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Khởi Nghiệp_VNU

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

about this course!

Entrepreneurship has been a topic that withdraws attention recently. It is a long step and may change your life. You have to try your best to make your business successful; no matter what difficulties and challenges you may face, the result will bring profit and joy to you.

The business idea is the initial of an ownership career. In Vietnam, many enterprises can not withstand after 2 years of operation partly because of starting from unfeasible business ideas, poor preparation, lack of consensus from stakeholders.

Viable business ideas are explored on the basis of properly identifying and promoting internal advantages, combined with making good use of external opportunities.

In short, entrepreneurship is a glorious process but also has a multitude of challenges you need to overcome to succeed in order to enrich yourself, your employees, and benefit society.

Through this course, we will introduce you to background knowledge, and the most important content required for starting a business, so you will get clear insights about what needs to be prepared, and what difficulties and challenges will be faced when deciding to start up. From that, it can help you decide whether to start a business with a business idea you have planned?

In terms of expertise, this course will help you find, select, and evaluate business opportunities and ideas, thereby building an overall business plan. The topics of marketing, market, finance, human resources, organization, and establishment of business are also the main knowledge and focus of this subject.

course name:


estimated duration:

45 hours

course objectives:

  • Acquire general knowledge of entrepreneurship
  • Know how to find, evaluate, and turn business ideas into business opportunities
  • Build a viable business plan
  • Organize to deploy entrepreneurship

course structure:

Module 1: Cognition of business and entrepreneurial spirit

In this session, you will learn what belongs to entrepreneurship, which types of enterprises are popular, and how to develop and assess your business idea from definition to prototype. You will also learn from some entrepreneurs, sponsors, and executives who will help you identify the dynamic fields of modern business spirit.

This course is designed to help you turn ideas into prototypes; therefore, you can start your own opportunity.

Module 2: Developing business opportunity

This module will help you continue to develop that business idea with more details, and evaluate its potential for entrepreneurship. You can start with seeking opportunities, forming business ideas. On that foundation, you will make evaluations on those opportunities to choose the best one.

Markets, Need-Finding and Planning

Pitching, Testing, and Prototyping

Module 3: Building a viable business plan

You will understand the importance of developing a business plan.

Hence, the main content of module 3 is to develop a business plan with full of key important contents.

Develop a 7P marketing plan

Develop a financial plan: production cost calculation, depreciation, pricing, revenue estimation,  revenue and cost plan, and cash flow plan.

Moule 4: Organize to deploy entrepreneurship

Select a business model

Procedures need to be prepared and implemented when establishing a business

Human management: recruitment (full-time, part-time), salary payment, staff development, and encouragement

Social networking


  • The updated version of the 2015 Entrepreneurship training programs of ILO
  • Entrepreneurship series on Coursera



course designer 

Mr. Bui Ngoc Anh

  - Lecturer at FPT University.

  - More than 15 years of IT working experience.

  - More than 10 years of experience in teaching at NIIT-ICT, AI VITEC, Vietnam National University, FPT University.

  - More than 8 years of consulting experience for JICA, Nomura Group, MOIT, MoNRE, VFF, EVN

  - Member of ITPEC.


Nowadays, each subject has many related resources including both printed and online books, FUNiX Way does not specify a specific resource but recommends for students to choose the most suitable one. In the process of learning from many different sources according to personal choice, when students arise questions, they will be connected with the mentor fastest for answers. The entire assessment includes multiple-choice questions, exercises, projects, and oral exam which are designed, developed, and administered by FUNiX.

Các môn học của FUNiX không quy định bắt buộc tài liệu học tập, sinh viên có thể chủ động tìm và học từ bất kỳ nguồn nào phù hợp, kể cả sách in hay nguồn học liệu online (MOOC) hay các website. Việc sử dụng các nguồn đó do học viên chịu trách nghiệm và đảm bảo tuân thủ các chính sách của chủ sở hữu nguồn, trừ trường hợp họ có sự hợp tác chính thức với FUNiX. Nếu cần hỗ trợ, học viên có thể liên hệ phòng đào tạo FUNiX để được hướng dẫn.

FUNiX courses do not require learning materials, students can actively find and learn from any suitable source, including printed books or online resources (MOOCs) or websites. Students take responsibility of using such resources and ensure compliance with the source owner's policies unless they are in official cooperation with FUNiX. If you need assistance, contact FUNiX Training Department for guidance.

Below are some of the resources of the subject that students can consult. Listing of the source below does not necessarily imply that FUNiX has an official partnership with the owner of the source:

1F SBM2018, Brian K. McCarthy, Adam Hoeksema, Amos Redlich, Chris Gray, cashflowkungfu, cliqvid, docstocTV, FightMediocrity, eHow, Coursera, Learning Chinese with Pham Duong Chau, JoTo PR, LaunchSpark Video, SpringboardVideo,, MBAbullshitDotCom, Strategyzer, Victor Holman.

Feedback channel

FUNiX is willing to receive and discuss all comments and feedback related to educational materials via email  [email protected]